Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kite flying at Camp Masala 2011

The 8th annual Camp Masala was held at St.Paul, Minnesota on the St.Thomas campus. About 70 kids gathered on a football field to fly kites.

Camp Masala created a great logo with a kite and a firki. I even had some chand taras ( the cresent moon) type kites that I bought along to give Maureen - the camp director. They even gave out til laddus - sesame seeds sweet balls.

It was a near perfect day for flying, with a light breeze and some clouds in the sky. Many of the kids parents too flew with them and they all had a great time. Kids from as far as Alaska and Chicago as well as from around Minneapolis attended the camp.

I taught the kids the fighter kite victory cry - "Kay Po Chee". All 70 kids screaming at the same created quite a reverberation.

And here's a photo of Manas - my four year old son and Amita, my wife. Manas was able to get a kite off the ground all by himself, I was so proud of him. My pareents and sister were also there and my father enjoyed teaching the kids to fly. What a wonderful time we had.

1 comment:

Rizwan Ali Khan said...

The kite shown in the stamp is not coreect. The thread is to be connected on the other side of the kite. Also the top knot of thread is tied at the junction of the two sticks. Did anyone noted this error?